SCERT Bihar: Aadhaar verification necessary for National Scholarship Scheme latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 30/12/2023: Now Aadhaar verification is mandatory for any scholarship under the National Scholarship Scheme. This information has been given on the National Scholarship Scheme Portal (NSP). Along with this, a letter has also been written to all the district education offices.
- All schools were given time till 31st December
- All school principals have to do Aadhaar verification
It will start with the National Income cum Merit Scholarship Scheme. Aadhaar verification of the application submitted under this scheme has to be done. All district education offices have been informed for this. According to the District Education Office, all school principals have to verify the applications submitted for NMSS. For this, all schools have been given time till 31st December.
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Let us tell you that applications for NMSS are invited by NCERT at the state level. This time 50 thousand applications have been submitted from Bihar. Those studying in eighth class apply. Selected students are given a scholarship of Rs 12,000 annually from class 9th to 12th.
Trying to stop fake students
Every day such students are caught who apply for scholarship fraudulently and want to get scholarship. To stop and catch such students, verification of Aadhaar number has now been started.
Let us tell you that Aadhaar number is used by the state and central government to provide benefits of various schemes from class one itself. In such a situation, Aadhaar number is now available to a large number of students. In view of this, now Aadhaar number will be verified for every type of scholarship.
All the applications submitted under the National Income cum Merit Scholarship Scheme will be subject to Aadhaar verification. All district education offices have been informed. Verification is required.