Now the exam will not be held every month, it will be conducted four times a year in government and non governments schools of Uttarakhand latest news today in hindi

Now, the exam will not be held every month in government and non governments schools of UK Uttarakhand latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 06/08/2023: Monthly exams will not be held every month in government and non-government schools. Rather, during the half-yearly and annual examinations, unit tests will be conducted twice as a preparation. Education Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat has agreed to this demand of the teachers. He has instructed the officers to prepare a proposal in this regard.

According to Ram Singh Chauhan, president of the State Teachers Association, teachers spend one to one and a half weeks in the process of organizing monthly exams and making the data online. The Education Minister informed that instructions have been given to prepare a proposal for the new format of the monthly examination.

Now, the exam will not be held every month in government and non government schools of Uttarakhand notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

Regular meetings will be held with the organizations to resolve the issues of the teachers. Whatever problems are there, they will be removed. At the same time, teachers are also expected to contribute 100 percent in priorities like improvement in educational level, increase in student numbers, improvement in board results.