Appointment letter handed over to five newly appointed Lokpals of Jharkhand by Rural Development Minister Alamgir Alam latest news today in hindi

Appointment letter handed over to five newly appointed Lokpals of Jharkhand by Alamgir Alam latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 12/08/2023: Rural Development Minister Alamgir Alam on Friday handed over the appointment letters to the newly appointed five Lokpals. On this occasion, he appealed to all the Lokpals to inspect, hear & resolve MNREGA works in a transparent manner.

Alamgir said that our aim should be that minor complaints should be resolved in time and small problems should be rectified by attention. The minister asked the Lokpals to become role models by their excellent discharge of their duties. Patiently listen to problems or complaints like a judge.

Appointment letter handed over to five newly appointed Lokpals of Jharkhand by Alamgir Alam notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

  • Test and then decide

Lokpal Secretary should be responsible towards the stakeholders

Rural Development Secretary Chandrashekhar said that the appointment of ombudsmen will bring transparency in MNREGA works. The responsibility of the ombudsmen is accountable to the stakeholders, transparent mechanism and qualitative improvement in efficiency under MGNREGA. He said that Lokpal will not only monitor the schemes, but will also solve the complaints immediately and will continuously inform the government about the progress of the schemes.