Bihar Board: Inter evaluation from today, copy checking in five steps notification latest news today in hindi

Inter evaluation from today, copy checking in five steps by Bihar Board latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 24/02/2023: The evaluation of answer sheets of inter examination will start from Friday in 5 phases. Bihar Board has recruited 2236 computer experts at a total of 123 evaluation centers across the state. They will upload the answer sheet marks on 2 different computers at each center & then tally them. If the difference is found, the error can be very easily caught. After evaluation by the examiner, the answer sheet will be scrutinized through the head examiner. In it, the head examiner will match the marks. After it, the marks will be entered on the computer. After this, the marks will be re-mixed through the computer expert (maker checker). 

12th evaluation from today, copy checking in five steps by Bihar Board notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

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This process will happen 3 times. Let us inform that the inter evaluation will run from 24 February  to 5 March. On Thursday, 90% of the examiners have also provide their contribution at all the evaluation centers. Copy checking will began from 8 am on Friday. For this, 20427 head examiners & co-examiners have been appointed.

At the same time, the OMR answer sheet has been checked through the Bihar Board with the scanner. The board said that the OMR sheet scanning has been completed.