Pleasant: 3 lakh teachers will be recruited in Bihar latest news update 2023
- Now the rules will soon go to the cabinet for final approval
- After approval, the planning process of the 7th phase will start
Latest Updated 24/02/2023: The way has been cleared for the seventh phase of teacher appointment in the state. Under this phase, this year the department will recruit 3 lakh teachers. Education Minister Dr. Chandrashekhar has provide his consent on the new rules for teacher planning. Now, the manual will be sent to the cabinet for final approval. On Thursday, the minister himself provide this information by tweeting. He said that the grand alliance govt will fulfill its promise of providing 10 lakh jobs. Recently, the General Administration Department had provide its consent on this.
Actually, through the new rules, the govt is going to make a big change in the existing process of teacher appointment. In the proposed rules, the right of teacher planning is being taken back from panchayats & municipal bodies and handed over to an integrated commission. There were 9222 planning units under the existing Teacher Recruitment Rules, while the number of planning units in the proposed rules will be equal to the no. of districts i.e. 38.
In the old recruitment rules, the calculation of merit marks was done through the planning unit on the basis of the percentage of marks obtained in matriculation, intermediate, graduation, post graduation and training & the weightage of marks obtained in the eligibility test. Almost the same procedure will remain in the new rules. The merit will be decided through the Commission on the basis of marks in consultation with the Administrative Department.
- 38 planning units will remain as per the new rules
- There were 9222 planning units in the old rules
Single appointing authority at district level
In the old teacher recruitment rules, separate appointment authority & disciplinary authority were formed at the level of Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zila Parishad, Municipal Corporation, City Council, Nagar Panchayat. In the new rules, there will be only one recruitment authority at the district level.
Now instead of 4 appointment with only one rule
At present there are four rules for teacher appointment. But now there will be only 1 rule. Provision has also been made in this new rule for the appointment of librarians, special teachers, laboratory assistants and instructors including teachers from elementary to higher secondary.