Computer education will start in 175 government schools of Dhanbad Jharkhand latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 09/01/2022: There will be minimum two bell per class computer class classes every week in government schools. ICT instructors will conduct classes on computer subjects for the students studying in class 6th to 12th as per the prescribed syllabus. Computer class syllabus has been released. The ICT Instructor of the schools should not be deputed to any non-academic work/other office during the teaching period. Jharkhand Education Project Council has issued instructions in this regard.
ICT students of 86 high schools out of 134 high schools of Dhanbad will be able to get this benefit. Smart classes have been arranged in selected schools funded by NITI Aayog. The facility of smart classes has been made available in schools under several schemes from the district level as well. A report has also been sought from the district that under which schemes the facility of smart classrooms has been made available in the schools. This report has been sought by January 15. It is proposed to set up steam labs in 50 schools of Dhanbad with the DMFT fund. It will be Science Technology, Engineering Mathematics Lab.
It has been said in the order that the daily attendance of the ICT instructor should be monitored through E Vidyavahini. In the smart classes/ICT labs available in the schools, the facility of conducting classes through e-content has been made available. Teachers can conduct class on difficult subject matter as per requirement. Ideally, any new chapter should be started with e content audio, video content. Monthly review and quarterly review of implementation of ICT scheme operated under smart class operation and overall education will be done by DEO and ADPO.
DSE proposes computer education in 660 schools
When contacted in the matter, District Education Superintendent Bhootnath Rajwar said that the process of providing computer education in schools has also started with the DMFT fund. Computer education facility is being made available in a phased manner. Soon computer teachers will be made available in 660 schools for eighth grade students as well.