counseling of teachers who have passed the bseb competency test will begin from 1 august latest news update 2024
Schools near the municipal body are in the semi-urban category
Latest Updated 29/07/2024: Counseling of teachers who have passed the competency test is to start in the districts from August 1. Regarding this, guidelines are being issued to the districts by the department. Availability of sufficient number of biometric machines is being ensured at the counseling site.
There are more than 05 lakh 50 thousand total teachers in Bihar
Instructions have been given to the concerned officials so that all the teachers coming for counseling can be identified through biometric machines. Also, at the time of counseling, only those certificates of teachers will be verified, which are available on the website of Bihar Board.
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● Schools of all municipal bodies across the state will be in the category of urban area
First posting of teachers who have passed the competency test
In the first phase, the employed teachers who have passed the competency test are to be posted afresh. In the subsequent phase, action will be taken on the transfer of the remaining teachers. One lakh 87 thousand employed teachers have passed the competency test. District allocation has already been done to all these teachers. With posting, all of them will come under the category of government teachers.