bpssc si result 2024: 359 candidates passed on the first day in physical exam
Latest Updated 11/06/2024: The physical efficiency test of 7 thousand 623 candidates who passed the main examination of sub-inspector recruitment by Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission has started from Monday.
This examination has started in the Government Higher Secondary School (Patna High School) of the city. On the first day, 920 candidates were called, out of which 814 appeared and 359 candidates were successful. Their documents are being verified. During this, no case of misconduct came to light. This information has been released by the Special Officer of Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission.
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- Physical efficiency test will be conducted till 19 June
This physical efficiency test of all the candidates selected in the written will continue till June 19. In this, the final merit list will be prepared after checking the documents of all the selected candidates. On this basis, the candidates will be finally selected for the 1275 vacant posts of sub-inspector.