apply online for pg courses from 19 june in pu patna and 18 june in ppu university patna latest news update 2024
Latest Updated 16/06/2024: Admission to postgraduate regular courses in Patna University and Pataliputra University will start from Wednesday and Tuesday. PU Dean Prof. Anil Yadav said that students will be given 21 days to apply. With this, the application process for admission in MA level vocational courses will start.
- There will be 21 days' time to apply for PU
- Application for admission in PPU will be done till 2nd July
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On the other hand, PU released the second merit list on Saturday for admission in graduate regular and vocational courses. Admission will be from 19 to 21 June.
The first merit list in PPU was released on Saturday and the schedule for postgraduate admission has been released. The application process for admission in regular courses will start from 18 June and the last date is 2 July. The first merit list will be released on 4 and admission will be done by 8 July. The second list will be released on 10 and admission till 13, the third list will be released on 15 and admission will be done by 20 July.