solve previous years question for competitive exam by sslnt mahila college dhanbad latest news update 2024
Latest Updated 18/05/2024: Career seminar was organized on Friday at SSLNT Women's College, Dhanbad. In this, tips were given for preparation of government jobs, bank, JSSC and other competitive exams. Principal Dr. Sharmila Rani gave detailed information and gave various information.
Keynote speaker OP Upadhyay advised to solve the question papers asked in the examinations taken in the last few years for better understanding of the examinations for government jobs. The understanding that students will gain by solving the question papers asked in the examinations.
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In making the program successful, Prof. Vimal Minj, Dr. Sumita Tiwari, Dr. Sunita Hembram, Dr. Dheeraj Kumar Mishra and others were active.