Approval given for creation of 2381 posts in various departments of Bihar latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 23/11/2023: The cabinet approved the creation of 2381 posts in various departments of the state government. 2261 new posts have been created in the Rural Works Department to look after the construction and maintenance of contact roads and bridges in rural settlements.
- 55 posts created for records clerk
- Liquidation of National Savings Offices approved
The Cabinet has approved the creation of 60 posts of translator for Suwas Cell and 20 posts of translator-cum-proof reader i.e. a total of 80 posts for Patna High Court. At the same time, approval has been given to upgrade 55 posts of Records Clerk out of 110 posts to the post of Records Clerk.
The proposal for cadre restructuring of the previously created posts of Pump Operator and Electrician in PHED as per the Zone Level Pump Operator and Electrician (Recruitment and Service Conditions) Rules, 2014 has been approved. Along with this, 14 academic posts have been created for the Architecture course (Bachelor of Architecture) in the Engineering College, Gaya, run under the Department of Science, Technology and Technical Education, which includes the posts of Professor-01, Associate Professor-03, Assistant Professor-10. has been approved. Approval was also given for creation of 12 posts of Engineering Cadre and 1 post of Chief Architect of Bihar Architect Cadre for Bihar Bhawan, New Delhi. Approval has been given to authorize the Finance Department to adjust the clerks and office attendants currently posted and working in the National Savings Offices under the control of the Finance Department to the same posts in the District Collectorates and to liquidate the National Savings Offices.