Live News Update 2023: Talks will be held in Delhi on 27 September to avert strike in Coal India Jharkhand
Latest Updated 22/09/2023: The Central Chief Labor Commissioner (CLC) will hold a tripartite meeting in Delhi on September 27 to avert the three-day strike announced by the unions over the dispute over the National Coal Wage Agreement-11. Representatives of Coal India management and five central trade unions will be present in it. For this, a letter has been written by the Labor Ministry to the Coal Ministry and Coal India. It is written in the letter that coal falls in the category of essential commodity, hence CLC has initiated tripartite talks on the strike notice given by the unions.
- Central Chief Labor Commissioner will hold a tripartite meeting
- Coal India management and trade union leaders will be present.
Here, Coal India has issued a letter to the five central trade unions and called them to Delhi for talks with the Coal India Chairman on September 27. In this regard, on behalf of Coal India, BMS KK Laxma Reddy, HMS Nathulal Pandey, INTUC's Jaimangal Singh, AITUC's Ramendra Kumar and CITU's DD Ramanandan have been called for the meeting.
Delhi meeting is important for postponing the strike. Sources said that Coal India has called the union leaders to Delhi regarding the meeting with CLC. Initiatives are possible at many levels to avert the strike. There is also a possibility that until any guidelines are issued from Jabalpur High Court on the appeal of Coal India, Coal India may not make any cut in the Coal Wage Agreement-11. There is every possibility that if the meeting is being held in Delhi, then Coal India will get guidelines in this matter from the Coal Ministry. Jabalpur High Court has given 60 days to the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) to take a decision in the matter. Here Coal India has also gone in appeal.
It is known that on the petition of some coal officers, Jabalpur High Court has ordered to reject the wage settlement in case of violation of DPE guidelines in Pay Settlement-11.