Udayan Shalini Fellowship: 40 girl students selected from Dehradun latest news today in hindi

 Breaking News: 40 girl students selected from Dehradun Uttarakhand for Udayan Shalini fellowship

Latest Updated 25/09/2023: 40 girl students of Doon have been selected for Udayan Shalini Fellowship. Udayan Care is a registered organization of Delhi. Which gives fellowship to girl students.

On Sunday, the induction ceremony of this year's selected girl students was held at Welham Girls School, Dehradun. Chief Guest Shailendra Singh, Director Personnel, THDC India Limited, said that the important work that Udayan Sanstha is doing in educating as well as empowering the girl students, will also help in making the coming generations educated, empowered and self-reliant. Special guest Vibha Kapoor, Principal of Welham Girls School said that education is the investment you make which will support you throughout your life. 

40 girl students selected from Dehradun for Udayan Shalini fellowship notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

Special guest Ashish Pant, General Manager of SJVN Limited, said that given the opportunity to move ahead in life, he should actively participate in discharging his responsibilities towards the society.

Vimal Dabral, convenor of Dehradun chapter of Udayan Care organization, said that for the educational support of weak promising girl students, scholarship is given every month to class 11 girl students for two to six years. On this occasion, Executive Director of Udayan Care Anjali Hegde, Garima etc. were present.