JRHMS Recruitment 2023: Restoration process started on 1072 posts including 472 doctors @ jrhms.jharkhand.gov.in latest news update
Latest Updated 17/08/2023: There will be recruitment on 1072 posts under Jharkhand Rural Health Mission Society. Alok Trivedi, campaign director of JRHM, said that the process of this appointment being done on contract has been started. In this, maximum 325 posts are of Ayurveda doctors. There are 147 posts of other doctors including dental surgeon. There will be restoration on 600 posts of DPM, DDM, Hospital Manager etc.
Recruitment information jrhms.jharkhand.gov.in can be viewed at The age of the candidates will be calculated from 01 August 2021. The upper age limit is 35 for General and EWS, 37 for OBC, 38 for Female (UR) and 40 for SC/ST.
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Application jrhms. jharkhand. gov. in. The applications will be filled till 12 noon on 05 September. There will be a multiple choice test for 150 marks for selection. In which 100 marks questions will be from the concerned subject whereas, 50 marks will be from General Knowledge. For this, the cut-off has been fixed at 40 for General and EWS, 36 for BC, 34 for BC One, 32 for ST, SC and women.