Salary of 190 madarsa teachers and personnel of Bihar released latest news today in hindi

Salary of 190 madarsa teachers and personnel of Bihar released latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 29/06/2023: The education department has released the salaries of teachers and non-teaching staff of 190 madrassas in the state. In the order issued by the department, it has been said that in the light of the order of the High Court, the salary of 609 categories of madrasas is being postponed and the investigation is being done by a three-member committee. The salaries of 107 madrassas found correct in the investigation were released on 24 April 2023. In this series, order for payment of salary has been issued to 190 more.

Salary of 190 madarsa teachers and personnel of Bihar released notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

The department has also said in its issued order that 284 madrassas have been given six months time to fulfill the conditions of acceptance. In six months, the salaries of the personnel working in the madrassas whose conditions will be fulfilled, will be released after physical verification by the committee formed at the district level in the light of the court's order.