Efficiency Test will be conducted again in Bihar notification latest news today in hindi

Efficiency Test will be conducted again in Bihar latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 19/03/2023: For secondary, higher secondary and librarians who have failed in the proficiency test and have less than three years of service, a re-proficiency test will be conducted. Director of Secondary Education Sanjay Kumar has written a letter to the Director of the State Education Research and Training Council asking him to conduct the examination in this regard. 

Efficiency Test will be conducted again in Bihar notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

In the letter, the Director of Secondary Education has said that these teachers and librarians appointed by the municipal bodies, who have failed in the efficiency test or such teacher-librarians whose service period is less than three years or due to not conducting the examination, are included in the efficiency test. Could not, they will get an opportunity in this efficiency test.