Coal workers of Jharkhand will be shifted from fire affected area in one and half month latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 03/03/2023: CMD Samiran Dutta directed to allot quarters to BCCL employees living in underground fire-affected areas within a month and a half in safe areas. In the BCCL GM Coordination meeting on Thursday, the CMD General Manager was given an ultimatum of one and a half month for this.
Sources said that the Coal Secretary is reviewing the Jharia rehabilitation twice every month. BCCL has been tasked by the ministry to first evacuate its personnel from the fire-affected area. The families of about 600 BCCL employees have to be shifted from only 81 areas in the first phase. There are more than 9000 workers from all over the coal sector. However, BCCL has the required number of quarters available in the secured area.
- 9 thousand coal workers have to be shifted
- 600 personnel from 81 areas will be shifted in the first phase
In the month of February itself, BCCL has achieved the target for the current financial year. Even after achieving the target, the company is under pressure to increase coal production. BCCL has now been given an internal target of 36 million tonnes from Coal India in the current financial year. On this basis, BCCL will have to produce 1.40 lakh tonnes of coal per day in the remaining one month. Let us tell you that earlier BCCL was given a target of 32 million tonnes of production and the same dispatch. The target is still the same but Coal India has given the task of 36 million tonnes to BCCL by giving an internal target. For 36 million tonnes, BCCL will have to produce more than three million tonnes of coal in a month. CMD Samiran Dutta laid special emphasis on production as well as quality of coal.