2222 teachers will be recruited in polytechnic and engineering colleges of Bihar latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 30/03/2023: The posts of teachers lying vacant in government engineering and polytechnic colleges of the state will be filled. The Department of Science and Technology has sent requisition to the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) for the appointment of 2222 teachers in government engineering colleges. This includes 32 vacancies of Principal, 168 vacancies of Professor, 429 vacancies of Associate Professor & 1593 vacancies of Assistant Professor.
BPSC Secretary Ravi Bhushan said that the recruitment process in engineering and polytechnic colleges is already underway. The requisition sent by the department has also been received. The recruitment process will start soon.
Let us inform that already the process of filling vacant posts of teachers in engineering and polytechnic colleges is going on. Earlier also applications were taken by BPSC to fill qualified teachers in these colleges but due to lack of qualified teachers the seats could not be filled. Once again these seats will be filled.
- There are 32 Principal's posts, 168 Professor's posts, 429 Associate Professor's Posts & 1593 Assistant Professor's Posts
- Bihar Public Service Commission said, the recruitment process will start soon on the vacant posts of teachers
Recruitment process started on 515 out of 790 posts
BPSC said, before the restoration process on some seats, the Department of Science and Technology had sent a recommendation for some seats to BPSC. The recommendation of BPSC has been received for appointment to 790 posts. 515 posts have been appointed by BPSC. The process of appointment to the rest of the required posts is going on. BPSC said that restoration is under process in some seats. A total of 337 seats have already been sent to BPSC for appointment in government engineering colleges, in which the process of interview has been completed by BPSC for appointment to 25 posts of Principal and total 35 posts of Head of Department (Mechanical Engineering).
At the same time, written examination has been done for the appointment of a total of 790 posts of lecturer. Action is under process for recruitment to the remaining requisitioned posts. At the same time, a total of 441 regular teachers are already working in government polytechnic colleges. There are 38 engineering and 46 polytechnic colleges operating for 38 districts of the state. Out of this, engineering and polytechnic colleges will also be allotted to those appointed as assistant professors.