AIIMS Rishikesh: MD entrance exam rigged, five people caught latest news today in hindi

aiims rishikesh md entrance exam rigged, five people caught latest news update 2024

Latest Updated 21/05/2024: Dehradun Police on Monday busted cheating in the All India MD entrance examination of AIIMS. In this, five accused including an AIIMS doctor and MBBS student have been arrested so far. This examination was held on Sunday 19th May at different examination centers across the country.

  • A doctor from AIIMS Rishikesh is also involved in the fraud.
  • Deal for Rs 50 lakh each to get candidates passed

aiims rishikesh md entrance exam rigged and 5 people caught notification latest news update 2024 in hindi

After getting the paper solved from the doctors of AIIMS Rishikesh, three candidates were made to cheat at the examination center in Kangra, Himachal. In lieu of this, Rs 50-50 lakh were taken from them. Whereas the deal with AIIMS doctors to solve the paper was fixed for Rs 2 lakh each. According to SSP Ajay Singh, the Institute of National Impotence Combined Entrance Test for MD of AIIMS was held on Sunday. It was reported that the copying mafia was active. The informer informed the candidates from Dehradun district about cheating at examination centers in other states.