Board exam pattern will soon change in Uttarakhand latest news today in hindi

Board exam pattern will soon change in Uttarakhand latest news update 2024

Latest Updated 19/04/2024: The pattern of Uttarakhand Board examinations will soon be seen changing. The pattern will be made to test the evaluation and testing ability of the student instead of memory based. The Education Department has prepared its initial outline. Soon its draft will be sent to the government.

Chairman of the School Education Council, Mahavir Singh Bisht said that this will help in assessing the actual intelligence of the students. Teachers will be given training before implementing the new pattern. Information about the evaluation process will be given in this. It is known that every year between two and a half to three lakh students appear for high school and intermediate board examinations.

board exam pattern will soon change in Uttarakhand notification pf download latest news update 2024 in hindi

This is the current pattern: At present, question papers in board exams are being set in the traditional manner. These are made keeping in mind the memory power of the student and how much he has been able to remember about his studies. If only memorized questions appear in the examination, then the student gets good marks. If questions related to his/her preparation are not asked then the student's result gets affected. This entire process is based on the student's memory.

Questions will not be asked on the printed matters of the syllabus in the new pattern as per the circumstances. Rather the question will be presented as a situation. Shailendra Joshi, research officer of the School Education Council, who is associated with the team preparing the new pattern, says that the students will have to take decisions at their own level and prepare the answers.

In such a situation, it will be known how much the student has practically assimilated what he has read. According to Joshi, this experiment has been partially used in Physics and Mathematics in the examination of the academic session 2023-24.