Live News Update: Before reaching the center UPPSC RO ARO Paper leak 2024
Latest Updated 18/03/2024: The form of Review Officer (RO) and Assistant Review Officer (ARO) came out from the printing press, then reached the treasury and then was delivered to the examination centres. During the investigation, STF is finding some evidence which suggests that the papers were leaked even before reaching the examination centre.
- Before the press, he reached the treasury and then the examination center.
- STF got important information during interrogation
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STF is now waiting for information from the Public Service Commission. Currently, the Commission has not provided many important facts to the STF between the time the leaflet is printed and distributed at the Centre. According to STF, the papers were to reach the examination centers at seven in the morning. The paper was leaked before 7 o'clock and reached the candidates through WhatsApp.
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Search for absconding Rajiv in the constable recruitment paper leak
Rajiv Nayan Mishra was the most important link in leaking the paper in Constable Recruitment & Review Officer Recruitment Examination. The gang that leaked the papers in both the recruitment examinations placed Rajiv at the forefront along with the dismissed constable and the school manager. Rajiv made arrangements from Lucknow to Meerut to get the nomination leaked. Three STF teams are searching for him.