Now, MCA degree holders will also become computer teachers in UP by UPPSC latest news today in hindi

Now, MCA degree holders will also become computer assistant teachers (LT Grade) in UP by UPPSC latest news update 2024

Latest Updated 25/02/2024: Candidates holding MCA degree will also be able to become assistant teachers (LT grade) of computer subjects in 2355 government high schools and inter colleges of the state. The requisition for the recruitment of teachers has been sent to the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission by the Directorate of Education, but due to non-updation of the rules, the advertisement is not being released. 

Now, MCA degree holders will also become computer assistant teachers in UP notification latest news update 2024 in hindi

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Recently, Director of Secondary Education Dr. Mahendra Dev has sent a proposal to Additional Chief Secretary Deepak Kumar for approval of the amendment made in the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Education (Trained Graduate Category) Service Rules 2023. There is also a proposal to change the qualification of art teachers in the new rules. Now, B.Ed degree is mandatory for graduates with Arts subject.

But those doing BFA will be able to apply directly.