lucknow university phd entrance exam date 2024: It will be held on 24 and 25 february @ latest news update 2024
Latest Updated 14/02/2024: The date for PhD application in Lucknow University has ended. A total of 7200 online applications have been received for 974 seats. The entrance examination will be conducted on 24th & 25th February. Admit card will be released on 18th February.
The last date to apply online under PhD admission process for the session 2023-24 in LU was fixed as 10th February. At the end of the last date, the admission cell has aannounced the total number of applications and the date of the entrance examination. Spokesperson Prof. Durgesh Srivastava says that for admission, entrance examination will be conducted in the main & new campuses of LU on 24th & 25th February. He told that candidates can check the date of entrance examination subject wise on the website of LU. In the information released by the Admission Cell, it has been said that if a applicant has applied in more than one subject, he will have to inform by 15th February.
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First shift from 10:30 am, second shift from 2:30 pm
The first shift has been scheduled from 1030 am to 12 noon and the second shift has been scheduled from 0230 pm to 4 pm. He says that in case of any kind of inconvenience, you can contact the helpline number 0522-4150500 from 10 am to 6 pm. This year more applications were received for admission to PhD for session 2022-23. Pro. Durgesh Srivastava said that this year 7200 applications have been received for about 974 seats in 41 subjects. Whereas last year 6574 applications were received. Admit cards will be released on 18th February.