BBMKU Dhanbad: Half of the students of big colleges will give generic exam in home center latest news today in hindi

Live News Update: Half of the students of big colleges will give generic exam in home center by BBMKU

Latest Updated 24/02/2024: BBMKU Examination Department has announced the examination centers for the generic special examination for graduate pass out students starting from March 1. 35 colleges of Dhanbad-Bokaro have been made examination centres. Of these, 20 centers are in Dhanbad and 15 centers are in Bokaro.

  • Generic will be available at 35 centers in Dhanbad and Bokaro.
  • Case of examination of passed out students in session 2015-18 to 2019-22

Half of the students of big colleges will have their examination in the home center and the other half in another centre. Whereas the examination of all the candidates of small colleges will be held in the home center only. Many B.Ed colleges have been made centres. PK Rai College has been made the home center for students of 16 subjects and Tathagat Teachers Training College has been made the center for five subjects. The center list has been released by the examination department. 

Half of the students of big colleges will give generic exam in home center by BBMKU notification latest news update 2024 in hindi

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Experts say that the passed out students of session 2015-18, 2016-19, 2017-20, 2018-21, 2019-22 will have to appear for the examination for semesters one to four. The students of the colleges where the examination will be held in the home center are happy. Those whose centers have been set up in other colleges will now have to go to the respective colleges and take the examination.