DMI Bihar: Four centers of excellence and six PG diploma courses will start latest news today in hindi

4 centers of excellence and 6 PG diploma courses will start in DMI Bihar @ latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 21/12/2023: Four Centers of Excellence and six PG Diploma courses will start in Development Management Institute (DMI) in the year 2024. The institute has started preparations to start new courses.

The four centers include Center for Governance and Management of Public Service, Center for Policy Implementation and Evaluation Studies, Center for Labor and Migration Studies and Center of Governance for Local Development. Whereas, six post graduate diploma courses include Public Service Management (Health, WASH, Education), Rural Banking, Live Stock Management, Management of Producers Collective, ICT and Development, Disaster Management, Climate Change and Sustainability. This decision was taken on Wednesday in a workshop organized on the strategy of National Education Policy-2020. In this, long and short term courses to be started for students, youth and working professionals in the new education policy in 2024 were discussed. 

4 centers of excellence and 6 PG diploma courses will start in DMI Bihar notification latest news update 2023 in hindi

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In this, the director, faculty, managers of the institute along with members of the Board of Governors and former director of IIM Kolkata, Prof. Shekhar Choudhary, Seva Bharat President Renana Jhabwala, Finance Department Secretary Neelam Choudhary etc. participated. The guests were welcomed by Director Prof. Devi Prasad Mishra did it. Information about the Center of Excellence and Certificate course to be established in the institute is given by DN Academic Prof. Shankar Purve and Prof. Suryabhushan gave through power point presentation.

  • More than nine short term courses will be started in the coming years.
  • A certificate course started for graduate students

Nine certificate courses will also be started, Dean Academic Prof. Shankar Purve said that under the Series of Certificate Courses, more than nine short term courses will be started in the coming years. Last month, a certificate course was started for graduate and final year students.

Four will be established

Director Prof. Devi Prasad Mishra said that in compliance with the National Education Policy-2020, the institute is going to provide international level facilities to the students along with conducting many long and short term courses and increasing the number of centers of excellence in the coming years. The possibilities for 2040 were discussed in the workshop. At present two Centers of Excellence are established in the institute.

This course will be studied

  • Public Service Management (Health, WASH, Education)
  • Rural Banking Live Stock Management, Management of Producers Collective ICT and Development