Bihar Physiotherapy personnel's curriculum determined latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 28/12/2023: The state government has prescribed the syllabus for the departmental examination of Bihar Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy cadre personnel. Employees will have to appear for the test of practical knowledge of Hindi, computer as well as general government rules.
According to the Health Department, the syllabus and subjects are prescribed for the departmental examination of Bihar Health Service. But there were no prescribed courses for the examination of personnel of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy cadre. These employees said that due to the names of the posts of this cadre not being mentioned and the syllabus not being prescribed, there is difficulty in registering for the examination.
After this the Health Department has decided their syllabus. Also, instructions have been given to the Officer on Special Duty of the Revenue Board to provide an online window for the departmental examination of the employees of this cadre like other cadres. According to the information received, these personnel will now have to appear in the departmental examination while studying Hindi as well as computer and government rules.