Special board will decide the curriculum in Bihar Health Sciences University Patna latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 23/10/2023: Under this University, all existing professional medical or other colleges/institutions owned by the Government or Government controlled societies, private aided and private unaided self-financed educational agencies (except deemed universities) will be recognized. Especially those who study modern medicine, medical systems, dentistry, Ayurveda, homeopathy, Siddha, Unani, yoga, naturopathy, nursing, pharmacy, laboratory technology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, speech therapy, paramedical courses, health economics, health administration and related subjects. Will provide education in. This university will include new programs and also ensure increase in admissions. The university has also been given the right to withdraw affiliation or reduce admission.
● Eight boards including Senate will be formed in the university.
● There will be a separate board to give recognition to colleges
● There will also be an executive council of the university
● Academic Council will be the principal academic body of the university.
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Classification of University Employees
The employees have been classified. Under this there will be administrative and other staff and technical staff. There will be a selection committee for the selection of employees, whose chairman will be the Vice-Chancellor. Apart from this, there will also be a selection committee for academic staff. The Vice Chancellor will have the supreme authority of the university but he can also be removed as per Section 13. The university authority can constitute as many standing committees as it deems appropriate. However, the government has constituted 13 standing committees. This includes New Teaching Program Committee, Teaching and Research Committee, Post Creation, Inclusion and Strengthening Committee, Promotion Committee, Equivalency Committee, Statute Committee, Purchase and Sale Committee, Discipline Committee, Nomination Committee, Student Discipline Committee, Academic Calendar Committee, Cultural Activities Committee. And approved by the Internal Complaints Committee.
- The government has constituted 13 standing committees
Special board will decide the curriculum in Health Sciences University
There will be a total of eight types of authorities (boards) including the Senate under Bihar Health Sciences University. There will be separate boards for examinations, granting affiliation to educational institutions and reinstatement of employees. There will also be a separate board to monitor the expenditure in the university. The Health Department has issued the first statute related to the university in which provision for these authorities has been made. This statute has come into force with immediate effect.
According to the department, there will be a senate in the university. The Registrar will act as its ex-officio member. The university will also have an executive council. It will have all the powers related to the administration of the university. The Academic Council will be the principal academic body of the University. It will work for coordination and general supervision over the academic policies of the university. The Planning Board will prepare plans for the development of the university. Every department will have a syllabus board. The Dean will be its chairman. Two Heads of Departments nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, two experts in the relevant field nominated by the Academic Council and one expert related to health education nominated by the Executive Council will be its members. The Controller of Examinations will be the Member Secretary of this Council.
There will be an Affiliation Board under the University to provide affiliation to all types of educational institutions related to health. Its chairman will be the Vice Chancellor. Apart from this, a representative from the Health Department, Director Head, two Principals, Professors or Associate Professors nominated from the department, a person with academic background, a person nominated by the Academic Council, Registrar will be its members. The meeting of the Affiliation Board will be held once a year. There will be a finance committee for the expenditure in the university, whose chairman will be the vice chancellor. There will be an examination board to conduct the examinations. Dean (Examination) will be its chairman. Its functions will be to conduct examinations, appoint examiners, set question papers, preparation and publication of examination results etc. Apart from this, if the Vice Chancellor feels that some more boards are required then he will be able to constitute them.