Special exam marks and certificates will be available from today in Bihar Board Compartmental Exam 2023 latest news update
Latest Updated 22/08/2023: Marksheet, Provisional Certificate and Tabulation Register (TR) of Matric Compartmental cum Special Exam 2023 have been sent to all District Education Offices.
The concerned school principal can collect the mark sheet and provisional certificate from the DEO office. For this, this facility will be given in all district education offices from 22 August .
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At the same time, the Bihar Board has instructed those school principals that the students whose dues of the compartmental cum special examination have not been deposited or have been deposited less. Those schools have been given time till 26 August. In the meanwhile the outstanding fee has to be deposited, only after that the mark sheet and provisional certificate of those students will be sent. Apart from this, all the principals have been told that if there is any kind of error in the mark sheet of any student. That is, if there is a wrong photo, photo is not attached or there is any other error, inform the Bihar Board immediately.