Case on 3 people for uploading child porn on social site in Uttarakhand latest news today in hindi

Case on 3 people for uploading child porn on social site in UK Uttarakhand latest news update 2023

Latest Updated 29/05/2023: Three cases have been registered against those who uploaded child pornography on the social site. Two cases have been registered in city police station and one in Dalanwala police station. This action has been taken after receiving the report of child pornography through the tip line of the National Cyber Reporting Portal.

Case on 3 people for uploading child porn on social site in Uttarakhand latest news update 2023 in hindi

A case was registered in two Dalanwala police stations in the city Kotwali

City Kotwal Vidyabhushan Negi said that two reports were received against those who posted child pornography on social media sites. On the basis of which SSI Pradeep Singh Rawat became a plaintiff. A case has been registered on their behalf against Aman Rajoria resident Neelkanth Vihar and another Facebook user Arun Rawat resident of Mussoorie Girls and Boys School Campus, Camel Road. A video related to child pornography was posted on Facebook by Arun. 

On the other hand, Inspector Dalanwala Nand Kishore Bhatt told that a report of the National Portal also came to his police station. It said that child porn was posted on the social site from the IP address of Sohan Lal resident Inder Road, Sanjay Colony. A case has been registered against the accused & investigation is on.