Checking of copies of UP Board will be monitored from the control room latest news update 2023
Latest Updated 17/03/2023: The copies of UP Board's High School and Inter to be checked from March 18 will be monitored from the control room. Webcasting of the evaluation centers will be completed. Static magistrate will remain at the center during the evaluation. Police force will be deployed at every center. Section 144 will be applicable within 100 meters radius of the evaluation center. Examiners will get entry in the center only with the identity card. Examiners will not be able to take mobile in the room. These guidelines have been issued by Principal Secretary Deepak Kumar.
DIOS Rakesh Kumar Pandey said that five evaluation centers have been set up in Lucknow to check copies. The evaluation work will run from 18 March to 1 April. Copies will be checked under the surveillance of CC cameras. Static Magistrate will distribute answer books to DHE after selecting ten bundles on random basis from Kothar.
Daily attendance of the personnel engaged in evaluation will be recorded. And the file for payment of remuneration will be completed in 15 days. Divisional Science Progress Officer Dr. Dinesh Kumar said that the list of examiners and deputy chief examiners has been uploaded on the website of UPMSP.