Coal India Recruitment 2022: Will get job even if there is sugar and BP notification latest news today in hindi

 CIL Jharkhand 2022: Will get job even if there is sugar and BP latest news update

Latest Updated On 04/08/2022: Even after having Sugar-BP, if no organ is affected, then it will be considered fit for the job in Coal India and its subsidiaries. Whereas in case of color blindness, only Group B job will be available. Earlier in the medical examination, many participants were truncated in the name of sugar-BP or color blindness.

The provisions of Chapter Eight of the Rules relating to Medical Examination of Participants have been redefined by Coal India. Based on the decision taken in the 288th meeting of CFD on 25 July, a letter has been issued by Coal India, Department of Personnel and Policy on Wednesday.

Candidates will get a job even if there is sugar and BP in Coal India Jharkhand notification latest news update 2022 in hindi

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Now the people applying for the job will get relief due to the clear explanation. There is a provision for urine test in case of sugar. Even if sugar and albumin are found in the test and no part of the body has been affected by this, then the participant will be fit for the job. At the same time, in the case of blood pressure ie BP, there is high or low blood pressure but no organ is affected by hypertension, then it will be considered fit for the job. Testing for color blindness is mandatory for everyone. If you have color blindness, you will get a job in Group B only.

All candidates are suggested to check the website on a regular basis for the latest upcoming news & updates related to Coal India Jharkhand will get a job even if there is sugar and BP or check its official website link i.e.; -