CBSE Board Exam Pattern 2022-23: 30 optional questions reduced in board exams notification latest news today in hindi

 CBSE Board Exam Pattern 2022-23: 30 optional questions reduced latest news update

Latest Updated On 23/05/2022: The Central Council of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the pattern of board examinations for the session 2022-23. It is clear from the pattern that only those candidates will be ahead in the board examinations who will study with understanding instead of rote. This time the optional questions have been reduced from 50 to 20 percent. A total of 30 optional questions have been reduced in the pattern.

Questions on case study tell understanding: According to experts, in the last two years due to Corona, the question papers of CBSE were very easy in the board examination. Now, when the condition becomes normal, the board has once again decided to include case study, ability test based questions in front of the candidates, returning to the old stand. The questions based on the case study will provide an accurate assessment of the student's potential. For this, candidates have to go to the board exam with an excellent preparation.

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In the year 2021-22, the board examinations weren by dividing it into 2 parts, term 1 and term 2. Which has been abolished from the session 2022-23. Now, the candidates are to be evaluated in a single test. The impact of National Education Policy 2020 will also be visible in the upcoming board examinations. On the basis of this, instructions have been given to prepare.

Preparation according to the new format: CBSE City Coordinator, Javed Alam Khan told that the question paper format for the examinations of the session 2021-22 has come from the board. All the principals have been directed to prepare the candidates on the basis of this format. So that candidates can prepare themselves for the exam in time. Case study questions play an important role in assessing the understanding of the applicants. Because questions which are based on case studies can't be solved by rote.

30 optional questions reduced in CBSE Exam Pattern 2022-23 notification released latest notification update

The number of aptitude based questions increased by 10

In the session 2022-23, the evaluation of candidates in class 9 to 12 examinations will focus on student's understanding, competency based education. The no. of merit-based questions in the new session's examinations will be increased by 10%. The board has generate a circular in this regard to all the principals. During the examinations of 2021-22, 50 optional questions were asked. Which has been reduced to 20 in the upcoming examinations. Along with the board examinations of class 10 & 12, the annual examinations of class 9 and 11 will also be conduct on the same format. There was no any change in the internal assessment.

  • Aptitude Based Questions: 50%
  • Short Long North Question: 30%
  • Optional Questions: 20%

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